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Published 8 years ago by drunkenninja with 1 Comments

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  • AdelleChattre

    According to a February report from Business Insider, the market for this mixture of intelligent algorithms and robots is now growing seven times faster than traditional manufacturing robotics, much of it driven by smartphones and tablets that can control them "at more accessible price points." And Viv will make all of this so much easier, turbocharging new services like Uber and Google's self-driving cars, which will be owned by Google or some other company and go back to a central warehouse for robot servicing, which is bad news for the millions of Americans working at car washes, service stations, taxi companies, and delivery companies.

    Somebody may have gone overboard drinking coffee to get this piece cranked out by deadline.

    And Viv will make it easier to talk to machines at a time when machines are getting fiendishly smarter, which could be the biggest problem of all—not because they might become aware and send Terminators after us, although people like Bill Gates and Stephen Hawking are starting to worry about that, but because they might take our jobs.

    Go easy, there, Mister. Breathe...

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