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Published 9 years ago by drunkenninja with 11 Comments

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  • rizzardcore

    So Twitter sues USA for violation of 1st Amendment while they violate many users' 1st Amendment rights daily...#inconsistentThinking

    • QuietKerfuffle

      Twitter can't violate your 1st amendment right. As shitty as their practices are., they aren't the government.

    • drunkenninja

      Everything is alright until they feel it on their own backs I guess.

      • rizzardcore

        yep...inconsistent intellectualism/politics are a bitch when someone with brains calls you out.

  • BConsnapzu

    Lol so it's okay for them to take away people's first amendment rights. Example- Thunderfoot, but the minute they feel it happening to them now it's wrong?!?! If they're able to win this than so should people who had their freedom of speech restricted on twitter should be able to win against twitter.

  • messi

    The gag orders with NSLs are unconstitutional, plain and simple.

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