9 years ago
This is how rich people watched Furious 7 last weekend
In the world you and I know, there are basically two legitimate, legal opportunities to catch a new flick. First, of course, there’s the theater, where we pay anywhere from $10 to $30 for the privilege of sitting in a velour seat of dubious sanitation next to talkers and texters hell-bent on ruining the experience, all while our shoes stick to years’ worth of petrified Coca-Cola, popcorn, and Sno-Caps.
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That's just mind numbing.
I don't think movie theaters will die off anytime soon, so I don't know why studios are so uptight about it. People still go to concerts even though they can listen to studio quality music off of a CD or slightly less than studio quality music off of iTunes.
While true, I think you're giving movie theaters a little too much credit with it comes to the value of entertainment when going to a live concert with your friends and or going to see a movie. If I can stream it at home I would much rather do that than to be bothered by going to a movie theater where my experience can be ruined by something as simple as a group of 14 year olds kicking my chair.
It's more exaggerated for me because I have a 15" screen at home. However, your probably have a 30-60 inch tv at home with at best a 300W surround sound system. You go to a theater and have a 40' screen (possible an IMAX screen) and a 3000W sound system. The experience is much better at the theater IMO. That said, I still only go to the theater 4-6 times per year.
The difference being the atmosphere at concerts is a big pull. Sitting in a movie theater with people talking over the film, phones ringing, people coughing, kicking the back of your seat etc. is a turnoff.
This is just crazy, for $500 I better get to keep the movie for more than 24 hours
I'm not exactly sure how it works, but I doubt they let you keep it much longer than the general rental time.
Yeah $500 only gets you 24 hours with the movie, that's it. Although as someone who sells AV, I'd love the commission check on that system
No 4K? Pffft.
$500 a movie is a lot of money even for a rich person.