9 years ago
Pedal-powered Raht Racer cycle can travel as fast as a car
If you love biking to work, but wish you could get there a bit faster, then the Raht Racer is just the cycle for you. This hybrid vehicle amplifies pedal power to enable cyclists to travel at car speeds while still getting a workout, and it has a roof to keep you dry in wet weather. The Raht Racer’s hybrid flywheel generator multiplies the pedal power of the driver so that the vehicle can hit a top speed of 100 miles per hour!
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I think this may possibly be the future of commuting. Smooth hard roads were primarily built in the late 1800s for bicycle usage, which then made it possible for cars to get around. And the manufacturing of geared chains and pneumatic tires came first as bicycles before someone strapped a motor on a trike to invent the automobile. Now we have the infrastructure of highways, but with traffic congestion people are looking for a way out and many people want to find time to excercise in the morning. And the rising cost of gas will be an incentive to seek other options. Currently, pedal-assist e-bikes are popular in hilly regions of japan. Motors and bikes have got along great for 100 years. So now it's time to go retro with electric.