9 years ago
Low Skilled Humans Need Not Apply: Exponential Job Disruption
I wish to emphasise before I begin that robots taking jobs is not the problem, the issue is the current government policies that are not ready to handle this disruption. I am not against automation, far from it, I want as much automation as possible but it would be naive to not consider any potential side effects with the way policies currently are and how slow government and culture can change regarding attitudes towards the most vulnerable in our society. The way the unemployed are treated...
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I think we are long overdue for cognitive implants. We should have worked out how to compensate for people's varying degrees of learning ability by implanting chips and loading software. After all, don't most jobs boil down to knowing how to execute a specific set of instructions in an efficient and effective manner? At the very least, we should be able to stimulate the appropriate sections of the brain with varying levels of electrical impulses via remotely triggered neural generators. And shouldn't nootropics not only be legal, but practically mandatory?