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Published 9 years ago by drunkenninja with 6 Comments

Holograms are coming! Great video of a hologram in action during CES 2016

Very impressive, demo done by Kino-mo.


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  • drunkenninja

    The hairs on my arm stood up, this is amazing! Really looking forward to seeing all the practical uses for this technology making it into the consumer market.

  • b1ackbird

    Seriously- this is amazing, like 'Save us Obi-Wan. You're our only hope.' Kind of amazing.

    • drunkenninja

      Yeah, but without that weird fuzzy projection glow trail :)

  • Zeus

    "They're propellers, so don't try to stick your hand through."

  • Marvin4242

    It's interesting use of technology but it's just carefully position controlled LEDs on a spinning propeller using the persistence of vision to create a flat dispkay in air. I would suggest a try hologram has to be three D and change based on what angle it is being viewed.

    This is just clever flat display using a spinning bar.

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