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Published 10 years ago by drunkenninja with 7 Comments

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  • clay

    You gotta give it to them though, that is really creative.

  • Splitfish

    I've played online poker before but for micro stakes, and I can tell you that if they got away with it, they could have gotten him for A LOT of money. They could call down all his bluffs and know when to bluff him. He wouldn't even know what hit him until he lost a significant amount of money.

  • 8mm

    Hacking a computer sure, but how in the world did they manage to change the room key?

    • clay

      I remember reading that the door locks have a USB 2.0 port and that the passwords are in plaintext

    • drunkenninja

      Someone on the inside.

  • hedman

    This would make a cool movie plot.

  • funhonestdude

    makes you wonder how many times something like this has happened and not just in poker

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