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  • Unspecified
    8 years ago
    +8 8 0

    Alleged 2015 Moto X poses for the camera

    A possible look at the new Moto X, featuring a front facing flash!

  • Text Post
    8 years ago
    +34 34 0

    Everybody is so friendly!

    Hi guys :) I recently joined, and I have been lurking a bit, just out of habit. But seeing how friendly and civil everybody is here makes it seem like this could be a really good place. I think I will try to be more than just a lurker here! I have already subscribed to some tribes that I think would be interesting, but if any of you have any suggestions for good tribes that you are part of, I would like to check them out! Here is to Snapzu's future! I hope it can keep growing :)

    On another note, does anybody know if a mobile app is ever planned? It would be great to be here while I am out as well.

  • Image
    8 years ago
    +19 19 0

    Preikestolen, Norway [OC]

    I took a hike to Preikestolen in Norway this May. It was rainy all day, but right once we got to the top, the sun came out and gave us a really neat experience! This location is overdone for nature photos for sure, but not everybody gets to see a r ...