Viewing dn89's Snapzine

  • 1.
    8 years ago
    by teamsnapzu

    Commented in Terms of Use clarification requested

    Hi Spaceghoti!

    I'm going to be honest with you. The nature of your question is a complex one, and obviously it's impossible to provide a black and white answer due to the sheer amount of relating scenarios that can play out on a daily basis. There is no way that we can properly formulate enough rules to cover every single scenario. The fact of the matter is we aren't smart enough to even attempt a task of this magnitude and I doubt anyone is going to want a lawyer just to go through our terms of use.

    We are a few guys with a dream to grow a respectful community that stands above the general hate and racism we see in so many other places. Below I will go over each of the words and provide our understanding of how we see it. I think that's the best we can do at this point.

    1. Threatening

    Don't threaten people, you wouldn't threaten someone at your birthday party. Don't PM threats and don't post any type of threats in snaps / text posts or comments.

    2. Harmful

    Whatever you wouldn't do to yourself because your brain instinctively tells you "its bad", don't do to other people. Unless you're a psychopath, then, just, use the code that your father taught you on how not to hurt others.

    3. Unlawful

    Illegal stuff gets everyone in trouble, so lets not do illegal stuff. Don't post illegal downloads, music, pictures or anything else that would otherwise land you in jail if engaged in on another medium (like a bazaar).

    4. Abusive

    Don't partake in abusive behaviour either by yourself or in a group. No witch hunts, no bullying, no posting of personal information, anything that you would dread happening to you, DON'T do it to others.

    5. Harassment

    It's alright to have a heated discussion on whatever topic comes to mind, but don't continue to repetitively PM someone after they have given you obvious signs that they have concluded their discussion with you. By obvious we mean obvious, harassment will not be tolerated in any form.

    6. Libelous

    I think thi...

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  • 2.
    8 years ago
    by teamsnapzu


    Posted in: by teamsnapzu