10 years ago
Internet Trolls Really Are Psychos
If you’ve ever managed an online community, a blog, or a brand’s Facebook page, you have encountered the dreaded “troll.” These community members can be provocative and rude, and are known for creating posts for the sole purpose of agitating their fellow members. Trolls add inflammatory comments not because they hope to inform or convince others, but because they know they’ll spark an avalanche of negativity.
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Not surprising...
As for the anonymity thing... yeah, its definitely a double edged sword. On the one side you have better privacy which is important to a lot of people and communities alike which gets rid of the aspect of getting judged for the things you post, discuss or create. On the other hand it lets trolls run amok because they too are protected by the very thing that frees people to do what they truly enjoy. I guess the question is, "Where do you draw the line, and when?".