• EdvardMuchies

    That's not how you babysit.

    • sashinator

      That's not how you comment

      • EdvardMuchies

        What do you mean?

        • aj0690

          Your comment doesn't seem to show an ounce of empathy for the victims. Almost as if this unfortunate situation is fodder for a low brow joke. Then again, that's just my opinion.

          • EdvardMuchies

            Oh. I thought this site was about free speech. Not "this is how you behave" site. Fucking idiot virtue signaling retards.

            I'll leave you all to your safe space, now.

            • aj0690

              That's cute. You're entitled to your opinion and I'm entitled to mine. How is this not free speech?

        • sashinator

          Pretty self explanatory

          • EdvardMuchies

            Not at all. Comes off as a vague and smug.

            • sashinator

              You don't say?!

            • EdvardMuchies
              @sashinator -

              No wonder this site had done so well.

            • aj0690
              @EdvardMuchies -

              Do us a favor and delete your profile. Is that free speech enough for you?