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Published 5 years ago by darvinhg with 2 Comments

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  • kxh (edited 5 years ago)

    Old people generally have more money and will probably buy more self-driving cars. Are they going to buy a car that may kill them in preference to some young person? I don't think so.

    This is all supposing a self-driving car will ever be able to tell the difference between a young person and an old one at speed. Can people even do that?

    Update: Actually, would anyone buy a car that wouldn't protect them first?

  • Appaloosa (edited 5 years ago)

    This has always been an interesting debate and will continue. Personally, if I would let the machine drive, I would want my life as a priority, not to be cold hearted, but if a person was jaywalking with their kid in a stroller, my machine is supposed to drive me off a cliff to save them? There are plenty of scenarios like that. What if all machines were programed with the occupants as it's primary duty to preserve.

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