• racerxonclar

    The biggest proof it's not a purposeful hoax is who he showed it to. If you wanted to fool people into thinking it was a bomb (lets even assume you're bad at this), then you wouldn't go straight to a science teacher, someone that would probably be better at recognizing it for what it is. Then, when supposedly the science teacher kinda gave him the heads up about not showing it around, the kid stuffed it in his backpack. He didn't pull it out and start showing it to the overreacting potentials... which is certainly what I would do if I was actively trying to make a scene.

    And, on top of that, even if they're right. Even if this kid is a genius and just pulled the best con ever... It doesn't change the fact that the school overreacted, racially profiled someone, and then didn't follow a single proper procedure for a bomb threat. All this shitshow does is try to divert away from the guaranteed wrong actions of a school to maybe potentially wrong actions of a kid.