7 years ago
Trump demanding ride in queen’s gold carriage during Buckingham Palace visit: report
President Donald Trump is creating security concerns over his visit to meet with the Queen of England because he wants to ride in her golden carriage. According to the Times of London, the White House has let Buckingham Palace officials know that Trump is very interested in being part of a carriage procession up the Mall during his October visit. British security services are balking, saying the president’s wish is presenting them with “monster” problems is helping to keep the U.S. president safe.
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Who knows, maybe he wants to grab her by the pussy too.
Sure he does. He think anyone who is a female belongs to him and he can do with as he pleases.
Exactly. You see how low England is willing to stoop to kiss the US's ass when the Queen agrees to meet with someone like Donald Trump.
I do indeed. The ass kissing is phenomenal!