• 3rdWheel

    I expected a recent study about the evils of social media. Instead, I got a few anecdotes from a cog in the machine trying to rock the ship as best he can.

    • StarFlower

      Yeah, it's certainly an interesting article but it's not a carefully-researched analytical study, it's more of just an opinion-style piece. It makes some good points though. It begs the question: why does the author not just quit Instagram and Facebook if it's causing her so much annoyance? This was not addressed in the article.

      • 3rdWheel

        Probably because one small instance of not taking a picture of her food is not worth deleting entire accounts over. We should not make the assumption that she is fed up with social media and/or her life is suffering because of it based off of 1 personal anecdote, regardless of our personal feelings towards it.