Snap: Gun Trouble posted by collude
  • MAGISTERLUDI (edited 9 years ago)

    The initial claim s for the M16 were the light weight, ability to fire with little or no cleaning,(no cleaning kits were issued with the rifles introduction) and the velocity of the round, which would cause deflection and tumbling. It was lightweight, however the cleaning claim was it's deadly lie. The military stopped issue of M16's until they realized the rifle was not dependable unless cleaned.. The rifle was again issued as the primary/standard weapon with cleaning kits. The velocity of the bullet did not guarantee the tumbling or deflection on contact, thus the resultant wounds were not always as advertised. The biggest drawback to this weapon was the caliber of round. Not much stopping power. To overheat this weapon one would have to fire approx 200+ rounds on full auto (about 11 clips or more in very rapid succession). Soldiers gave up accuracy frequently for sheer firepower, which was partially due to lack of training and combat situations, firing blindly. Those were the initial problems and solutions to this weapon. The M16 and it's varied offspring are good combat weapons, and as dependable as any predecessor. There are stories to be told about malfunctions of all Army issue rifles. I witnessed the result of an M14 misfire,...not pretty.