Post Overview
11 years ago+20 20 0gnupg vulnerability: RSA key material could be extracted by using the sound generated by the compute
We recommend that you upgrade your gnupg packages.
11 years ago+11 11 0 x 1Evaluating SteamOS's security posture (a first look)
Security researchers love the new shiny and whilst some like playing games too, I am not one of those. That being said, I have researched UNIX like OS for a number of years and I’m constantly thrilled by the new uses people find for it. This security ...
Current Event
11 years ago+17 17 0 x 1People Might Actually Be Able To Emulate The PS4 And Xbox One
You might think emulators only exist for retro consoles, and for the most part that's true, but we might some day be seeing PS4 and Xbox One games - regardless of the legality of the move - on a PC near you.
11 years ago+11 11 0Taxi Service
They are not a Taxi Serive
11 years ago+19 19 0"I didn't read the book"
Facebook user complains about people who have read The Great Gatsby
11 years ago+7 7 0 x 1DirBuster-ng? Timing Attacks to Discover Remote Files
Time is one of the key parameters in a pentester’s work. It can either interfere with security analysis efforts by reminding you about the deadline and an eager client, or help you out when performing...
11 years ago+13 13 0 x 1Microsoft update to revoke 9 "private" UEFI modules that could be loaded during SecureBoot
Microsoft is announcing the availability of an update for Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 that revokes the digital signatures for nine private, third-party UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface) modules that could be loaded during UEFI Secure ...