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Published 11 years ago by ckshenn with 5 Comments

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  • drunkenninja

    It really is quite amazing that these internal clocks work so damn well... at least for some people.

    • Gozzin

      So true..Certain substances can throw a wrench in the works however.

  • popper

    Interesting! Also, one of the comments on the article points that:

    This is a nice informative article, but two clocks is really just the beginning. There is good evidence that the cerebellum tracks time on the fraction-of-a-second level, the basal ganglia on the level of seconds, and the hippocampus and cortex on the minute-plus level.

    That's just mind blowing.

    • drunkenninja

      I think the brain is still so complex to us that we aren't able to effectively make any confirmations yet. Most of this stuff is assumptions and educated guessing.

      • acedrew89

        My guess is that we probably won't be the ones to fully comprehend the human brain first. I would say that once we start having computers that have artificial intelligence smarter than us they will be the ones to fully map out the human brain and give us a more concise understanding.

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