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Published 7 years ago by ckshenn with 17 Comments

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Conversation 17 comments by 5 users
  • RusSwatKatsFan

    It wouldn't surprise me if the RNC was a little too cozy with the Kremlin. Just look at what their policies tend to do.

    • AdelleChattre

      Just look at what their policies tend to do

      And what's that?

      • RusSwatKatsFan

        Wreck the economy, ensure continuing wealth inequality, ensure lack of medical care to the poor.

        • AdelleChattre

          So how do these policies you've given suggest to you that "the RNC was a little too cozy with the Kremlin?"

          • RusSwatKatsFan (edited 7 years ago)

            Okay. Now that I've had time to clear my head. Here's some motives based on what's known so far.

            * The Kremlin views the ideal of a liberal/democratic world order and views an U.S. and EU as key players to destabilize as a perceived threat to Russia in general and Putin's leadership in particular. Of note: after the USSR ended the leaders of Russia up until Putin were abysmal. Putin might be corrupt and half-assing leadership but he's viewed favorably by the populace (and possibly the Kremlin and Putin himself) because all the previous post-Soviet leaders were no-assing it. So a hunch of my own is that Russia's government thinks all of its eggs are in one basket (Putin) and think that if that basket falls over then Russia is done for. And what better way to ensure an end of democratic ideals than to wreck economies and screw up politics in countries that pride themselves on such?

            * Putin himself has an extreme dislike of Hillary Clinton because he thinks that she helped foment 2011-2012 protests against his governance. So he'd have a preference for the opposition in general.

            Sources: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-...-on-russia-and-the-u-s-election-idUSKBN16R229 and https://www.dni.gov/files/documents/ICA_2017_01.pdf

            • Appaloosa

              From the paper "We assess the influence campaign aspired to help President-elect Trump’s chances of victory when possible by discrediting Secretary Clinton and publicly contrasting her unfavorably to the President-elect. When it appeared to Moscow that Secretary Clinton was likely to win the presidency the Russian influence campaign focused more on undercutting Secretary Clinton’s legitimacy and crippling her presidency from its start, including by impugning the fairness of the election."

              Really, did the American public get influenced by Russian propaganda, and I have no doubt that many governments try to sway outcomes in their favor, do you really think Russia made that deciding vote? Was James Comey part of that?

            • RusSwatKatsFan
              @Appaloosa -

              Not entirely, no. But I do think they were a major factor. Of course Hillary's campaigning ended up being rather incompetent which didn't help either.

            • Appaloosa
              @RusSwatKatsFan -

              I think it was a confluence. As things usually are.

          • RusSwatKatsFan

            I've noticed a very interesting phenomenon between you and articles on the Russia-Trump connection, almost like concern trolling.

            • AdelleChattre

              It’s your thought. I’m only curious if you can bring it home. Can you?

            • RusSwatKatsFan
              @AdelleChattre -

              My apologies. I retract my statements.

            • Appaloosa
              @RusSwatKatsFan -

              Friend, you are exchanging views and in this, there is no need to apologize. Be fair, polite and objective. You don't even have to be correct. I would probably tell you that the current vernacular, the new way of thinking and speaking, the phrases like concern trolling, are a construct, some new mantra to connect and be part of what is I suppose a world I live in and have been shut out of and so can not participate in. Well, not probably, I just did.

              What I am trying to say is, don't get smacked down because somebody disagrees with you. If your heart is true, we all go away someday, and in the end you will be you.

            • RusSwatKatsFan
              @Appaloosa -

              Thanks. Your wisdom is envious, and I mean that sincerely. :)

            • Appaloosa
              @RusSwatKatsFan -

              And Adelle is still owed an answer. Your observation is valid, it may be correct, or it may be just uniformed, but you should examine and discuss it.

            • RusSwatKatsFan
              @Appaloosa -

              True. I'll see what I can do.

        • messi

          Sums it up

    • bambino

      They basically have the same ideals these days.

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