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Published 10 years ago by chunkymonkey with 1 Comments

30 Things You No Longer Need Because of Smartphones

Dear kids - this is what your iPhone used to look like...

  • 30 Things You No Longer Need Because of Smartphones


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  • drunkenninja (edited 10 years ago)

    List for the lazy

    Telephones, Flashlights, Newspapers, Magazines, Compasses, Cameras, Notepads, Voice Recorders, Calculators, Watches, Calculator Watches, Alarm Clocks, Egg Timers, Stopwatches, Mail, Portable Game Systems, Maps, GPS Systems, Encyclopedias, Radios, Walkmen, Record Stores, Yellow Pages, Takeout Menus, Weathermen, Photo Albums, Remembering Anything, Boredom, Conversation

    Some of the stuff on the list was replaced by other stuff on the list, only to be replaced by smartphones..

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