• AdelleChattre (edited 8 years ago)

    Let me explain how the world works

    Here it comes.

    if you live by the sword you die by the sword.

    Nope, no cult-like, deeply-ingrained brainwashing here.

    What does this mean to a mindless social justice warrior?

    A rote-memorized phrase by which you mean someone that’s not a bigot.

    when you fight racism and say people should be judged on their actions and not by their skin

    Notice, here, that racism is assumed to be the normal state of affairs. At least until someone got all uppity about it.

    or that women should be judged by their accomplishments and not put down by their gender

    Did somebody once tell you not to demean and degrade women just for the sake of it? You poor thing. There, there.

    you can't tell us to stop hating people because of their skin color, but to love them for it.

    Note, again, the presumption that racial hatred is the natural way of the world. Moreover, that feeling anything other than racial hatred is somehow being forced on the natural born bigot by outside forces.

    The same goes with gender: women ask for equality, but get mad when guys don't throw their coats in the puddles anymore, or are debated and treated like a man.

    You may meet an actual woman someday. When you do, you won’t be able to hide attitudes and ignorance like this. Nor will you be able to conceal bigotry like this from people that know and care about you, like friends and family. The best you can hope for then will be their pity. Quiz yourself: Has a woman ever asked you for equality? Has any of that other drivel ever happened to you personally? No? Shocker.

    Either you want a world of equality where all burdens are shared the same, or you are delusional and should expect to be called out on you crap when you riddle your argument with basic logical fallacies.

    False dilemma, Genius. You’re in deep enough, maybe stop digging now. Someone having a race or a gender is not carte blanche for you to be a dick.

    Let me tell you something that is going to be hard for you to learn in life, but we should just rip the bandaid off quick: all feelings are invalid.

    You accused me of psychoanalyzing you before. When, in point of fact, I simply concluded you’re struggling with an acute case of bigotry. Go on serving up weird little platitudes like this, and one might be tempted to read something into it. All I read into it, though, is that you got this out of The Turner Diaries or some other bigotry-outreach material somewhere. This is likely to be you parroting someone else’s sociopathically-analytical lack of emotional affect. Where do you get this stuff?

    This is the biggest thing BLM and feminism don't understand about white men-we operate on logic alone.

    Imagine that. People of your particular combination of race and gender turn out to be creatures comprised of pure logic. What’re the odds?

    White man can be subdued with feelings and sorrow for moments, but we always wake up to present the logical extrapolation of what people are saying.

    Nope, you’re not racist. Or the product of any racist indoctrination. Good thing, or you’d be making my skin crawl.

    Right now people like you are mindless

    Cults usually have ‘terms’ for cult-outsiders like this. You’ve resorted to this one a few times so far. You ought to get new material. Maybe you should try and trade tower guard duty at your rural Idaho compound for one of the supply missions into Couer d’Alene. Get out a lit...

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