7 years ago
Why People Dislike Really Smart Leaders
Those with an IQ above 120 are perceived as less effective, regardless of actual performance. Intelligence makes for better leaders—from undergraduates to executives to presidents—according to multiple studies. It certainly makes sense that handling a market shift or legislative logjam requires cognitive oomph. But new research on leadership suggests that, at a certain point, having a higher IQ stops helping and starts hurting.
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I remember the election for the second term of Bush Jr, and how people told me that they voted for Bush because “he’s a guy I could have a beer with”, and how they didn’t like Kerry because he was “too smart”. Since then I’ve been wondering why people think that being (or even looking like you are) smart is a disqualifying reason to be president. You’d think that people would want someone smart to lead them. But that assumes that the people in question have a minimal degree of intelligence.
I wonder the same thing. Perhaps they are reminded they are not half as smart as they like to pretend they are. I have to wonder how these people manage to go to Doctors...Or do they?