• Maternitus (edited 2 years ago)

    What's with all those rich folks and their big companies and 2030? And like @Gozzin says: who can afford it, besides even willing to do that? Isn't it enough to be a human being? Being a cyborg doesn't make you superior, on the contrary, it makes a person more dependable on technology and their creators. Which, to me, is a clear sign of slavery and doesn't differ from any kind of addiction, where people also depend on dealers to satisfy their needs or wants. Not a boomer, but I really enjoy being just a human being and although life could be better, the improvements do not depend on technology or drugs.

    They can shove their ideas for 2030 where the sun doesn't shine.

    Edit: Really deep.

    • Gozzin

      I agree with everyting you said. I got a pacemaker last fall and a little box sits on my bed stand and monitors it..If something goes wrong,I go into the clinic..The more electronics you are wired to,the larger the chances things will go wrong,bad wrong. I doubt this will ever be a thing for the reasons we discussed and there are plenty more reasons it won't happen.