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Published 9 years ago by canuck with 6 Comments

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  • ttubravesrock

    File this under the "Not surprised that it's happening, but surprised that something is actually being done about it" category.

    I'm 99.99% sure this happens with every major sporting organization that has events in different locations every time. However, since the suit is coming from America, I wouldn't be surprised if it's a jealousy type of thing. America probably tried to bribe the officials unsuccessfully. Or they did give them money but S. Africa gave them more (or Qatar).

    Now we just need to have a big lawsuit to kick out the corrupt US politicians.

    • specialk16

      I don't think it is an issue about Jealousy (although Clinton was REALLY pissed when they chose Qatar). There's enough proof out there that incriminates these guys in money laundering, bribery, etc. They've been doing this for a long time, and this is just the start.

      • ttubravesrock

        i'm sure it's been going on since FIFA began. Same with the Olympics, NCAA basketball tournaments, NFL Super Bowl, NCAA College World Series, etc.

  • bradd

    Never thought I'd see the day.

  • grandtheftsoul

    Maybe they can find a way to get it out of Qatar and somewhere that doesn't use slavery and can actually host it in late spring.

  • messi

    Truly a historic moment. Here's hoping we can get some real change in FIFA because of this.

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