• AdelleChattre (edited 5 years ago)

    Sorry, I hadn't realized how threatened you were feeling. Okay sure. Now I'm the arsehole. That's fine, I ain't running for Jesus.

    this chick looks like she's after a powergrab (just like trump)

    If you insist, alright. This freshman chica congresscritter from the Bronx is exactly the same as the billionaire mobster Know-Nothing with his finger on The Button.

    she's piggybacking it off of an extremist base (just like trump)

    You'll get no argument from me. If you say talking common sense is dangerous extremist grandstanding, that's good enough for me.

    with a 'outsider in washington' rhetoric (just like trump)

    Enough said. Difficult point to make, what with being a dagwood of mutually conflicting ideas piled high with ad hominems batter-fried in passive aggressive sauce, but you made it. Good job!

    Betwixt you and me though, sounds to me like you might be more deflecting disappointment with favorite insiders.

  • Appaloosa
    @AdelleChattre -

    I believe our esteemed friend was making the point of how populists work the crowds. It doesn't matter who the crowd is or what ideals are better, populism is populism.

  • AdelleChattre (edited 5 years ago)
    @Appaloosa -

    Clearly, anything a politician says is dubious to begin with. Without buying into any of these people's kayfabe, I don't buy the accusation of extremism, object to the conflation of Trump's utter bullshit with reason, and can't square the circle of putting AOC on the same moral equivalence plane as Hair Furor. Hadn't meant to offend. Hope I didn't speak out-of--turn. Maybe my cynicism isn't hardworn enough yet, but to me it seems like distinguishing between somebody that says they're on your side and someone that you know is. I appreciate what the great man is saying and take his point, it's just at each step in the analogy it lumps the sane in with the insane. Quibbles. Nevermind me.

  • Appaloosa
    @AdelleChattre -

    Build a wall for protection, raise taxes to 70% for rich people, give out free money , stop fake news and a chicken in every pot. Now that's a platform.

  • AdelleChattre (edited 5 years ago)
    @Appaloosa -

    I know a guy that still figures for sure the moon landings were faked, filmed on a soundstage. He claims Capricorn One got it from him. It can be awkward. Not long ago, we were out at breakfast when apropos of nothing he casually mentioned how he was really mad when the Challenger disaster happened because people were so caught up in it that they were suckered into forgetting it was all fake. Meaning the space program. I was, visibly I expect, kind of stunned. Of course I can admire radicals like that, individualists that play by their own rules? Not everybody's sold on science. Some folks radically object to dogma. You're sure to get those that mistrust how awestruck people are by any coordinated collaborative effort. Misanthropes, too. Whatevs.

    Still, the only thing I could think of after he said it was how investigation showed the crew were aware and alert after the explosion on their descent before dying in free fall. It was that existential horror which none of us can properly imagine that I couldn't get past, in the moment, so's I could ignore the joke. I know one's gotta ask one's self if something needs being said, whether it needs being said now, or whether it needs being said by you. Every so often it does. I don't think he had that information. His ears weren't too sensitive to hear it. He may not be making the exact joke in exactly the same way another time. One would hope no harm no foul. Fair play?

    I know you're rather skeptical of anthropogenic global warming, or at least of the seriousness of the implications. Maybe it doesn't translate unless you're hip to the gravity of what science is telling us about our now-inevitable near future. Cats like Trump and his cronies will long be remembered as among the greatest villains, because not only are they simply doing nothing, they're doing as much damage as they can as fast as they can and how would you put it? Crooked as a ram’s horn? If we're supposed to be so cynical now that we're pretending a random Bronx tenement dweller is as much on the grift as our snake oil Amway dealer-in-chief, it may take me a while yet to get there. I'm still searching for the wisdom in it.

  • Appaloosa (edited 5 years ago)
    @AdelleChattre -

    I do believe anthropogenic activity has changed climate in the context of historical climate change. We are still at the end of an ice age. There was a mile of ice over NYC just 10,000 years ago. Man had nothing to do with that and I suspect that if humanity is wiped out by its own avarice, it will change again. Having said that, I just got back from a trip to Shanghai and have been recently been to Beijing. The devastation to the air, water and land done by man is unmistakable. The change in those climates is unmistakable. The compounded insult to the environment from every aspect of human activity is unmistakable and only we can change our behavior, or for sure, the environmental change will dictate it.

    • Appaloosa (edited 5 years ago)
      @AdelleChattre -

      As far as AOC (I like that!) she's young, energetic and is a voice for the displaced, displaced by the current establishment, Trump being one of legion. Is she the panacea to change that, no, but she is the beginning of a change that must happen. In many ways it's like climate change. If an environment changes so much that there is not a way to survive in it, a species, an organization, a society adapts to that change or it will die. That is scientific, sociological, historical fact.