I'm interested in NX, if it happens to be a new console, I'm hoping for some kind of backwards compatibility (Nintendo still seems to be consistent on that forefront). My personal opinion is that's why xbone and ps4 got wrecked at first, I might be wrong on that but my friends still are on xbox 360. It seems that was inevitable because they both weren't x86_64 (PowerPC legacy crap on xb360). Happy that Microsoft at least made an effort with pseudo-backwards compatibility.
If it turns out to be some novelty accessory (like the Kinect) I don't have high hopes because you know how that works out in the past (and not just for Nintendo).
I'm interested in NX, if it happens to be a new console, I'm hoping for some kind of backwards compatibility (Nintendo still seems to be consistent on that forefront). My personal opinion is that's why xbone and ps4 got wrecked at first, I might be wrong on that but my friends still are on xbox 360. It seems that was inevitable because they both weren't x86_64 (PowerPC legacy crap on xb360). Happy that Microsoft at least made an effort with pseudo-backwards compatibility.
If it turns out to be some novelty accessory (like the Kinect) I don't have high hopes because you know how that works out in the past (and not just for Nintendo).