9 years ago
Why Ubuntu plans to replace traditional Linux packages with something better
Ubuntu will embrace smarter, stand-alone Snappy images instead of relying on Deb packages and apt-get.
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Mark Shuttleworth on "snappy" updates
"This is in a sense the biggest break with tradition in 10 years of Ubuntu, because snappy Ubuntu Core doesn’t use debs or apt-get. We call it “snappy” because that’s the new bullet-proof mechanism for app delivery and system updates; it’s completely different..."
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So how will this be done then?
I'm not totally sure, myself. But I am adding a link to another page that maybe gives a little more information.
Typically when Linux distributions phase in a new system they leave the old one as an option but they add the new system as a default. The old system remains in the repositories for old curmudgeons who insist that the old way was always better. ;)
Can't wait to try this out. Seems like developers are just finding more and more way to stream line everything. Also the delta updates sound awesome