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Published 9 years ago by caelreth with 2 Comments
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  • carpenoctem

    Interesting in theory, but I really don't know how practical it would be in reality.

    I'm sure there are exceptions but I'd most likely immediately delete an e-mail with a weird subject line from someone I didn't know.

    Even if I did read an e-mail because of an inventive subject line, it'd probably only buy 5 more seconds of my attention because :
    1.) I'd either feel that the person wasn't 100% sane or 2.) That they'd manipulated me into opening the e-mail, which is a quick way to kill trust

    • GingerBreadMan

      I agree with you.

      JackThreads does this all the time and although it may prompt me to open the email, I only take a look at it for like 5 seconds to see what it is about and then delete it.

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