• eilyra (edited 8 years ago)

    Cool! Always nice seeing the potential options for playing the game expanded!

    I ended up wondering what all of these do though:

    -console -novid -noaafonts -high -noforcemaccel -noforcemspd -useforcedmparms -hideconsole

    Do, so here's a list (parenthesis are my comments, the rest sourced from Dota 2 wiki:

    -console: Enables the console in-game and opens the console at start up. (Not directly performance related, still useful)

    -novid Automatically skip the introduction video. (Apparently bugged in a possibly performance positive way: "The -novid launch option causes the minimap and loading screens to be drawn at a lower resolution."

    -noaafonts: Not in the wiki, presumably disables Anti-Aliasing on fonts

    -high: Gives Dota 2 priority CPU usage.

    -noforcemaccel: Use the Windows mouse acceleration settings. Only works if -useforcedmparms is set.

    -noforcemspd: Use the Windows mouse speed settings. Only works if -useforcedmparms is set.

    -useforcedmparms: Allows the use of -noforcemspd and -noforcemaccel.

    -hideconsole: Not in the wiki, presumably hides the console at launch

    So most of those options don't at first glance seem to affect performance too much, the one's that do seem to be: high, noaafonts & novid due to the bug. Admittedly I haven't tested this & they're useful parameters regardless. :)

    • caelreth

      Nice work! I'm sure I'm not the only one who appreciates this.