Post Overview

Viewing 3 posts Sorting By Date ▼
  • Video/Audio
    8 years ago
    +18 18 0

    How does anesthesia work?

    When under anesthesia, you can’t move, form memories, or — hopefully — feel pain. And while it might just seem like you are asleep for that time, you actually aren’t. What’s going on? Steven Zheng explains what we know about the science behind anesth ...

  • Text Post
    8 years ago
    +4 4 0


    Send all anesthesia related conversations our way at the newly founded /t/anesthesia

  • Text Post
    8 years ago
    +12 12 0

    Just joined and interested in medical

    Any suggestions to a new Snapzu user of what are the most active medical tribes? I have a special interest in the Operating Room.

    Thanks in advance!
