7 years ago
Net neutrality protesters take to the streets
Protesters gathered in front of Verizon stores around the US on Thursday in a last-ditch effort to save Obama-era net neutrality rules. The protests were organized by several advocacy groups, including Fight for the Future, in the hope of pressuring Republicans in Congress to stop the FCC from rolling back the controversial rules adopted in 2015 under President Barack Obama.
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I think you're fucked, but good to see people going out and trying to stop it. It won't be enough sadly.
Yep, sadly this looks like the more likely scenario.
You might not be able to save the world, but you have to try. People still have a powerful tool in their hands: their votes. So use them wisely next time.
If we all suddenly became billionaires overnight we still wouldn't have the political clout and lobby power as the telecom industry. Ma Bell is on her way back and nobody can stop her.