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Viewing 23 posts Sorting By Date ▼
  • How-to
    8 years ago
    +4 4 0

    10 Ways to Tell if Your Sommelier Really Knows Wine

    Sommeliers are now regular fixtures in many restaurants, but how can one determine if their suggestions are worth trusting? It turns out that you don't have to know a lot about wine to judge a sommelier's skills. To evaluate the value of th ...

  • Unspecified
    8 years ago
    +12 12 0

    Is 100 Miles the new Marathon?

    Curious more than anything, Magdalena Boulet took a spot at the edge of the Placer High School track in the Sierra Nevada foothills to watch the end of the Western States Endurance Run, the prestigious 100–mile event that gave rise to the ultrarunnin ...

  • Text Post
    8 years ago
    +6 6 0

    Hello everybody!

    I'm really liking what I'm seeing here.

    1) What are things I can do to help the community?

    2) What are some interesting tribes? I'm a runner, and interested in economics.

    Glad to be here!