• bkmacdaddy

    2 down votes?!? I'd love to know why so I can learn and refrain from making whatever mistakes I've made here in the future. Is there some way to tell what the down vote reasons are?

    • jcscher

      Click on the down vote number on the top right of the snap. A box will pop up telling the reasons. Not all users put a reason though. BTW I did not vote you down.

      • bkmacdaddy

        Hmmm..."lackluster content" is the reason. I would sure love some insight into how that was determined. I thought it was an interesting, beautiful home.

        • jcscher

          Down voting does not happen a lot on this site. Most of the time it is for a repost. I get some down votes sometimes and most of the time no reason is given. The post is fine,keep on keepin on!

          • bkmacdaddy

            Thanks - I'm probably being too sensitive. :P

      • bkmacdaddy

        Thanks for the tip. And not voting it down. It's difficult to not feel defensive, but ultimately I just want to know what's wrong with it so I don't do it again.