9 years ago
[S] Locke (2013) (IMDb rating 7.1)
Directed by Steven Knight. With Tom Hardy, Olivia Colman, Ruth Wilson, Andrew Scott. Ivan Locke, a dedicated family man and successful construction manager, receives a phone call on the eve of the biggest challenge of his career that sets in motion a series of events that threaten his carefully cultivated existence.
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This is a really interesting drama that just puts you in a middle of a man's life, a man who's trying to do right by his own standards. It takes place in a car with just one character played by Tom Hardy. If you're interested in a good drama that slowly unravels, you need to watch this one.
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I personally enjoyed this movie, mainly due to the way lead character "Locke" handles the issues that arise, in a very stoic (philosophy) way. However, most people find it boring because the entire movie takes place in the Locke's car, which makes the movie far from perfect.