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Published 8 years ago by belangermira with 2 Comments

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  • galacticunion

    It's time for the American government to stop making everything a social media event. This is spying 101. Trump may be one of the smartest people in government. He knows how to use rhetoric, his win shows that, but he also knows when to shut up. Never let the enemy know what you are thinking and what you are not thinking. You have to admit, no one knows what Trump is thinking, Americans or Russians. Thats a good thing.

  • TonyDiGerolamo

    Grizzly Steppe absolutely does not prove that. It proves absolutely nothing if you read it. There is no direct evidence. Pointing to possible Russian avatar names and claiming they work for Putin is like pointing to any avatar in the U.S. on Snap.zu or Reddit or Google and claiming they must be an American working for Obama.

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