• FistfulOfStars (edited 8 years ago)

    I realize I'm late to the party here, but I just saw this snap.

    I am a massive fan of the book. I even have a TLP themed tattoo on my body. This is a classic, wonderful story that stands on it's own with no help, and speaks to both children and adults in a very deep and intimately human way.

    Why they feel the need to wrap this amazing story in plasticized, cliched tropes for easy digestion boggles my mind.

    The animation for the bits from the actual book look amazing. The art direction is spot on IMO. But it seems like it takes a background to the 'little girl' story - and the animation from that part looks so generic that it could be transposed into any 3d animated movie from the last 20 years with no one even noticing. And the same could be said for the plot.

    I'm more upset about this than I should be, but this story stands on it's own merits. There is zero reason to approach this project in that manner.

    I really hope my pessimism is unfounded, because like I said, the art direction for the actual story seems fantastic... but man am I hesitant on this one.