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Published 7 years ago by baron778 with 7 Comments
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  • Maternitus

    It says more about the state of journalism, when people do not differentiate between "fake news" and "real news".

  • MAGISTERLUDI (edited 7 years ago)

    Facebook certainly has the right to censor any/all content.

    Their judgment(s) will naturally be suspect/controversial.

  • leweb

    Well, if this is true, we should get rid of Fox News, MSNBC, CNN, and a number of other "news" outlets.

    You see, the problem is not whether news are real or not. The problem is confirmation bias, greed, and a completely immoral government, all interacting with each other.

    • Gozzin

      Well said Leweb.


      Where then would we get all the magnificent submittals that do so adorn this and like sites?


  • NinjaKlaus

    A buzzfeed report... lol... I just don't put much stock into them, they're about as useful to me as drudge or gawker.

    All these articles about time to ditch the news feed are severely missing some points, though, the first and major one being originally it was news from people you actually knew or wanted to know, not companies. The second is pretty much the same as the first in that news, in this case, is the right word it just doesn't mean news like CNN, it means news like what is going on with Bob and Pam's lunch.

    • Appaloosa

      What?! What about Bob and Pam's lunch....and I hope they have pictures of each course!

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