9 years ago
Credit cards will change forever starting next month: What you need to know
You may not realize it, but the beginning of the end of traditional credit cards is near. Business Insider has put together a massive guide about credit cards’ shift to EMV technology starting next month and what it means for everyday credit card users. Let’s go through some of the most important points below. First, what is EMV technology? You know how stores have traditionally processed your credit card by reading its magnetic strip?
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My understanding is that the US is only partially switching by not going with a pin number too. That the rest of the world is using Chip and Pin and we will be doing Chip and Sign. Are instances of Chip & Pin safer or more secure than signing?
Uhh... so how is this supposed to help?
Merchants will need time to make the transition.
Good job catching up to the rest of the world, America.