• NinjaKlaus (edited 6 years ago)

    “They don't honor patents, trademarks, copyrights, or anything… Please, I would like to understand. Instead, I am just upset and angry at an entire population.”

    Now I may completely ignorant of this but my understanding is that much like other laws, US law and by extension, the trademark laws only apply in America, thus you need to apply for that same mark elsewhere. This means they have no real reason to respect your IP, American courts could stop the sales of these items in the US only, but it would be beyond difficult and hard to police thousands of like products. Then you have the problem that they can continue to sell the item in other places that you also want to compete in but can't match their pricing.

    EDIT: Section 337 of the ITC seems to imply that you can only block the goods from coming to America and harming the US Economy.

    Section 337 has been used primarily to remedy imports that infringe U.S. patents and federally registered trademarks.2 Nevertheless, Section 337 can also provide relief from imported articles that infringe U.S. copyrights as well as other unfair methods of competition and unfair acts, such as common law trademark infringement, misappropriation of trade secrets and trade dress.3 Thus, much like the Lanham Act, Section 337 may be very powerful tool for a corporation to use in order to prevent unfair competition and importation of goods which infringe registered or unregistered trademarks.