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Published 10 years ago by baron778 with 18 Comments

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  • Crawls

    I live in one of the Southern states that passed one of these. There actually hasn't been many repercussions from it. It seems like it was mostly a symbolic law, for now at least.


      I believe most have heard of the mom and pop bakery that refused to make a wedding cake for a gay couple based on their religious beliefs. Sued out of business even though they referred the couple to other bakers in the immediate area. This was meant to be a protection against that sort of practice. Some take advantage of laws for personal gain(s).

      • Crawls

        Yeah I wouldn't endorse any sort of law like this but I don't think they are being used as bad as they could be. I would rather see them go away so they couldn't be used to their worst potential but as of now I don't think they are causing many problems.

  • Graphictruth (edited 9 years ago)

    Somewhat meta: I crosslinked this article and discussion to my own snap. I am not sure if this is standard snapzu form, it just seemed like an obvious thing to do.


    And most, like Indiana's, were/are modeled after Federal Law signed by President Clinton.

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