10 years ago
19 states that have ‘religious freedom’ laws like Indiana’s that no one is boycotting
Indiana has come under fire for a bill signed Thursday by Gov. Mike Pence (R) that would allow businesses to refuse service for religious reasons. The NCAA has voiced its concern ahead of Final Four in Indianapolis next week, there are calls to boycott the state, and Miley Cyrus has even weighed in, calling Pence a name that we can't reprint on this family Web site in an Instagram post.
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I live in one of the Southern states that passed one of these. There actually hasn't been many repercussions from it. It seems like it was mostly a symbolic law, for now at least.
I believe most have heard of the mom and pop bakery that refused to make a wedding cake for a gay couple based on their religious beliefs. Sued out of business even though they referred the couple to other bakers in the immediate area. This was meant to be a protection against that sort of practice. Some take advantage of laws for personal gain(s).
Yeah I wouldn't endorse any sort of law like this but I don't think they are being used as bad as they could be. I would rather see them go away so they couldn't be used to their worst potential but as of now I don't think they are causing many problems.
Somewhat meta: I crosslinked this article and discussion to my own snap. I am not sure if this is standard snapzu form, it just seemed like an obvious thing to do.
And most, like Indiana's, were/are modeled after Federal Law signed by President Clinton.