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Published 9 years ago by annexi with 6 Comments

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  • planetaryshifts

    I've been pumped to read The Colour of Magic. I can't wait to start tonight. I've been told that the best way to start is publication order.

  • TiffanyAching

    Knowing that there's going to be no more adventures in the disc universe makes me pretty sad, but it's definitely a good decision on her part. Plus I've really been enjoying her work on video games like Tomb Raider and wouldn't like to see her pulled away from that.

  • fiver

    A good call all around. The Discworld series is unique because it is a product of Terry's ridiculously wonderful imagination and opinions, and nobody else's. Any other author, no matter how good, can only detract from this wonderful universe which has become part of Terry himself.

    • annexi

      That's what I think as well - it would probably just not be the same.

  • [Deleted Profile] (edited 9 years ago)

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