Post Overview
9 years ago+6 8 2Pugasaurus!
9 years ago+2 2 0Grumpy dog becomes the new grumpy cat
Earl the five-month-old dog became an interview sensation when his owners posted pictures of his gloomy face. It quickly gained more than two million views and attracted a series of internet memes,
Current Event
9 years agoCurrent Event+2 2 0Ad Campaign Asks People in Other Countries to Donate to Hungry Americans
This ad campaign by Great Nations Eat sheds light on this issue by encouraging people in other countries to donate to hungry Americans.
9 years agoExpression+3 3 0Man's effect on earth, in pictures
Fascinating satellite image project by New York based Benjamin Grant
Current Event
9 years ago+11 11 0Satanic statue to be revealed in Detroit on Saturday
The event, open to pre-paid ticket holders only, is advertised as the largest public Satanic ceremony in history
9 years agoAnalysis+10 10 0In our digital world, are young people losing the ability to read emotions? | UCLA
UCLA scientists report that sixth-graders who went just five days without glancing at a smartphone, television or other screen did substantially better at ...
Current Event
9 years ago+11 11 0Canada joins failing 'war on terror'
The introduction of stricter homeland security measures do not make citizens safer.
Current Event
9 years ago+8 8 0Project Free TV Streaming Site Shuts Down - TorrentFreak
In a crowded marketplace Project Free TV grew to become one of the most visited streaming indexes around, gaining popularity with fans worldwide through its TV scheduling and discovery features. But after many years' loyal service Project Free T ...
9 years ago+1 1 0Dog Training Methods: Positive Reinforcement vs. Alpha Dog
WebMD talks to dog trainers about the positive reinforcement and "alpha dog" methods of dog training.
9 years ago+18 18 0Black Mississippi flag supporter dies in traffic accident
Anthony Hervey, 49, was chased by a group of men while driving home from an Alabama flag rally when the car flipped.
9 years ago+9 9 0Continued destruction of Earth's plant life places humans in jeopardy
Unless humans slow the destruction of Earth's declining supply of plant life, civilization like it is now may become completely unsustainable, according to a new article.
Current Event
9 years agoCurrent Event+2 2 0So Far, 2015 Is the Hottest Year on Record
Not the good kind of hot, the bad climate-change kind.
Current Event
9 years ago+2 2 0People are abandoning 'handbag' dogs at an astounding rate
It should be common knowledge - dogs are animals, not accessories. The trend of small dogs that can comfortably be carried around in a purse has increased over the years, thanks often in part to ce...
9 years ago+1 2 1pugs! my favorite!!
these are baby pugs.. and yeah they are my favorite breed of dogs!
Current Event
9 years ago+19 19 0Lack of Snow Leaves California's 'Water Tower' Running Low
Rising temperatures and declining snowpack in the mountains mean that the drought across the western U.S. is about to get even worse.
9 years ago+3 3 0Feeling Anxious? Have a Pickle
I’m from northern Vermont, and am the descendant of a long line of uptight Puritans and taciturn ice fishermen. Chattiness is not our bag. At parties, we’re big on nail-biting reticence and we tend...
Current Event
9 years agoCurrent Event+20 20 0The West is so dry even a rain forest is on fire
Centuries-old trees are burning in Olympic National Park, normally one of the wettest places in the U.S.
Current Event
9 years ago+1 1 0Sneaky Monsanto
El Salvador previously took steps toward banning glyphosate, the potential carcinogen found in Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide.
9 years ago+1 1 0Ancestral diets determine vulnerability to type 2 diabetes
The middle classes from developing countries are more susceptible than western Caucasians to obesity, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease in today's changing environment. New research published today in Cell Metabolism from the University ...
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9 years ago+2 2 0Australia: Tasmanian tiger 'sighting' proves it is not extinct
Thylacine hunter Michael Moss says the carnivorous marsupial isn't actually extinct - and he has the footage to prove it