7 years ago
Man shouting 'anti-Muslim slurs' fatally stabs two men in US
Two men were fatally stabbed in the US city of Portland after they came to the aid of two women who were being harassed because they appeared to be Muslim, police said. The attacker had been shouting ethnic and religious slurs at the women on a commuter train at the Hollywood transit station, the Portland police department said in a statement. Three men who intervened were stabbed, two fatally. A suspect was arrested shortly after he got off the train. The women left the scene before police could interview them.
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Lock him up and throw away the key.
The real terrorists. Check his family and his associates.
Please Guardian, keep telling us how a militant Bernie Sanders supporter is doing this because of Donald Trump- a man who he said he would gladly murder.
And by 'telling us' you mean this, FTA:
Hardly the Guardian speaking in editorial voice. The president is an ignorant, blithering bigot that's built his administration out of lickspittle and Republican Islamophobia. Go ahead, keep pretending otherwise. The Guardian continues:
Huh. Not seeing where exactly you found the Guardian claiming your man was a Trump supporter. Only that they're fellow anti-Muslim bigots.
The article ,wrongly but clearly, states he was provoked by Trump's statements.
"Only that they're fellow anti-Muslim bigots.", good to see you out of the closet.
No, it doesn't, but since you appear to be so convinced it does, let's play along. Please do tell us where in the article you found the Guardian making that claim. I'll wait as if I was actually expecting you to find it. You say when you've given up, otherwise we wouldn't know when you were done, would we?
I reckon you would just have to re-read the article. That dyslexia can be a bitch, I understand. Take your Ritalin, Adderall or whatever.
The Guardian's article was reporting on statements that CAIR was making. The Guardian (article) wasn't making the statement.
Thank you App, of course not part of the article.
I reckon Adelle is still fumbling for his meds.
I have found Adelle far more interesting and informed than a I have found in most here. If this is a personal vendetta, and it seems it is, I wish you would stop it. If there is such a thing in this new electronic world as one to be admired, a friend , I would consider Adelle someone in my world that is a good thing. A good person and someone worth speaking up for, while fumbling for something or other. I meant me fumbling for something or other.
Edit: clarification
You may like who you wish. My comments re: Adelle are based on observation and verified by his manners/behavior, nothing more.
I am very sure having seen the discourse from both of you, that I am just not smart enough to converse with you both. I wish I was!
The very nice gentleman has his talking point, and he's very pleased with himself about it. It just so happens that for this particular article, it's bogus.
Even in the statement from the Islamic group, they describe Trump having provoked only a wave of bigotry. For his claim to be true, for the piece to say Trump provoked this fiend, the stabber would have to be part of that wave of bigotry. His claim's bananas.
It doesn't so much matter to the gentleman that what he says is true. He does seem far more concerned that he get some name calling in before anyone notices how full of it he is. Some folks are only in it for the snickering and sneering.
I noticed!
Kinda like sittin around the ole sewin circle,,,,,,,,,,,,eh gals?
for heaven's sake don't bring poor innocent adderall into this sorry exchange!