This makes me think of Cichlids, a lot of aquarists will set up their tank and get the decor looking just how they want it then go and buy cichlids, well they have individual personalities and like things, their own way and have been known to change everything to fit how they want it instead.
I had a pair of false percula clowns for a while and they were really cool, salt water was just more time consuming and expensive than I could take at the time.
This makes me think of Cichlids, a lot of aquarists will set up their tank and get the decor looking just how they want it then go and buy cichlids, well they have individual personalities and like things, their own way and have been known to change everything to fit how they want it instead.
I had a pair of false percula clowns for a while and they were really cool, salt water was just more time consuming and expensive than I could take at the time.