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Published 9 years ago by aj0690 with 12 Comments
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  • Qukatt

    There is so much wrong with this article that I cant even begin, I will just let two more articulate people do the ranting for me in related links

    • Qukatt

      She talks about using a rotary beater for cream and eggs (so what we had one all my life at home, they're awesome if you dont have an all in one cakey mixxy thingy) but where's she getting this cream and eggs? are they pasteurised? Are they using direct debits to pay for their mortgage? is the house and all their possessions solely in his name? How is she finding her functioning antiques? do they have an indoor bathroom or are they going down the garden tot he latrine? chamber pots? plumbing?

      So many unanswered questions.

    • yarnnoodles

      Just...wow. Thanks for adding the additional links, they've definitely calmed my initial rage from reading this article.

    • pixelboot

      Reading that whole article, all I kept thinking to myself was "how do they afford this?!"

  • idlethreat

    Just another version of "look at me! I'm special".

    You know, I'm utterly against this and it's pretty fucking stupid in my book but... I guess they're adults and they can do what they want to with their time and efforts. I suppose they'd probably come over to my place and shuffle their collective skirts at my music instruments, or bikes, or all the other shit I've got all over the place. Whatever.

    • Qukatt

      what they collect/dress like/are into is not a big deal. What really pisses me off is the assertion that what they're doing is "research" or actually Victorian in any way beyond just having stuff. It's they're bloody holy than though attitude they have while using bulbs we don't use anymore cause they're shit compared to what we have now or using a kerosene space heater without carbon monoxide alarms or having the privilege of (probably) being fully vaccinated against very Victorian illnesses (yay TB!)

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