• babymeta1

    This was an interesting read. I find it more and more that I don't want to go back to Reddit even though I miss it, I can't find myself to stay there any longer. Even if I wasn't talking with anybody the community as a whole was beyond annoying and probably filled with pretentious atheists who wore fedoras thinking they were cool.

    • ekyris

      While the larger community often suffered from loud assholes, a lot of the smaller subs did not have that issue. I only regularly visit a few small niche subs in topics I am interested in, and the experience is much nicer. I miss out on the in-jokes and some news, but it's a small price to pay to not have to deal with assholes.

      • babymeta1

        I would also hang out in other places where you'd think there weren't any assholes, but It was something you couldn't really avoid. Even the Reddit admins would act like assholes too from time to time. In general, it was (still is) a pile of mess that nobody wants to take the time to clean and take out to the trashcan. I'm glad there's places like Snapzu where everybody's friendly but cant still voice out their opinions and share conversations with a virtual cup of coffee, or if you prefer, tea.