Yen8765's feed
5 years agoExpression Yen8765
Should You Gate Your Best Blog Content? (Pros, Cons, and Tips)
There are multiple factors that determine whether a piece of gated blog content will meet the goals you have for it. Here’s a guide for figuring it out.
5 years agoHow-to Yen8765
Find (& Land) Freelance Writing Jobs: The Ultimate 2020 Guide
Whether you’re a seasoned freelance writer or a beginner with no experience, freelance writing jobs are plentiful — if you know where to look.
5 years agoExpression Yen8765
Social media tips from the pros
5 years agoExpression Yen8765
44 Copywriting Formulas To Level Up Your Content Marketing
It’s easy to burn out when writing regular content for your blog. Sometimes the ideas won’t flow and other times there are too many ideas to put into words. But don’t worry. The greatest minds in the copywriting world have already found the solutions.
5 years agoExpression Yen8765
40 Different Types Of Content You Can Create For Your Blog
There will always be a time during your blogging journey when you just don't know what to write about. Whether it’s writer’s block rearing its ugly head, or you’re simply out of ideas, it can be hard to get out of that funk.
5 years agoAnalysis Yen8765
The Definitive Guide To Pinterest Hashtags
Have you heard the news? We’re all using Pinterest hashtags now! Well, perhaps not ALL of us, but the smart bloggers and marketers are. This Definitive Guide To Pinterest Hashtags is not just going to teach you why hashtags are brilliant and how they work on Pinterest, but also exactly how you should be using
5 years agoExpression Yen8765
Does the GDPR Apply to Bloggers?
Learn what the GDPR is and what it means for you. Does the GDPR apply to bloggers? Get answers from a real lawyer & EU law expert (PhD) + blogger!
5 years agoAchievement Yen8765
Red Eye Jedi
Viewed 150/150 snaps! Congratulations Yen8765 on this achievement!
+6490 XP -
5 years agoAchievement Yen8765
Red Eye Jedi
Viewed 50/50 snaps! Congratulations Yen8765 on this achievement!
+3245 XP -
5 years agoExpression Yen8765
How to Make Your Writing and Marketing Captivating with the Cliffhanger Technique
Discover how to use the powerful cliffhanger technique to make your writing and marketing campaigns more effective and engaging.
5 years agoExpression Yen8765
3 Unexpected Principles for Optimal Creativity
As a writer, you need to have constant inspiration and ideas flowing, otherwise, you won’t have much to write about. So you need to protect your creative juices and make sure they don’t dry up. For this reason, I’ve adopted three principles that I live my writing life by. These principles allow me to have optimal creativity when I sit down to do my writing. By implementing these principles, I’ve been able to create a consistent daily writing habit, connect to my inner voice and set m...
5 years agoExpression Yen8765
The Importance of Balance in Our Lives
Finding a good work-life-writing balance is a never-ending struggle. Despite the difficulty, we need to pursue balance or suffer in multiple ways.
5 years agoLevel Up Yen8765
Level 11
Yen8765 is now level 11 with 70,095 XP.
View Unlocks- Following The maximum amount of users you can follow has been raised by 20 to a total of 200.
- Image Submission The maximum amount of images you can submit to a unique social gallery has been raised by 1 to a total of 7.
5 years agoAnalysis Yen8765
Health Tips for Writers
Writers spend a lot of time sitting, hunched over keyboards or staring at text. Check out these health tips for writers to keep ailments at bay.
5 years agoCurrent Event Yen8765
Unseen Clockwork Orange 'follow-up' found
An unfinished follow-up to Anthony Burgess's Clockwork Orange novel is unearthed in his archive.
5 years agoHow-to Yen8765
Punctuation Marks: How to Use a Semicolon
Semicolon use has lots of people confounded. Find out how to use a semicolon properly and improve your punctuation, grammar, and writing skills.
5 years agoHow-to Yen8765
21 Ways to Get More Instagram Followers
A strong Instagram presence is gained by growing your Instagram following. So in this article I’ll be showing you 21 ways to get more Instagram followers.
6 years agoExpression Yen8765
Focus on Progress, Not Perfection
There are a number of things that go into running a business; some we are comfortable with, and others we aren’t. For me, when I started the Master Fixer, blogging was something I found challenging: I have expert knowledge, I am good at what I do, but where do I begin...
6 years agoExpression Yen8765
10 Tips for Writing Web Content that Gets Noticed
Like it or not, all writers need to become “Web content providers” these days. Yeah, I know. Sounds a lot less creative than “author” doesn’t it? And harder. But it actually isn’t. Writing Web content is a little different from writing a traditional essay or magazine article, but it’s not hard. You just have to learn some basic guidelines.