• septimine (edited 8 years ago)

    A lot of her story sounds like BPD, especially the part where she's making major life changes depending on who she's with.

    Diagnostic criteria require at least five of the following features: Frantic efforts to avoid expected abandonment.

    Unstable and intense interpersonal relationships.

    Cuts people out for a guy she's never met who lives in Sweden. Converts to whatever her crushes believe in.

    Markedly and persistently unstable self-image.

    Three religious conversions in a matter of years is not really all that stable.

    Impulsivity in at least two areas that are potentially self-damaging, such as sex, substance abuse or reckless driving.

    Alcohol at least pre Islam.

    She did get pregnant and have an abortion.

    Recurrent threats of suicide or self-mutilation.

    Affective instability.

    Her personality completely changed after her conversation to Islam.

    Chronic feelings of emptiness. Inappropriate and intense anger. Transient paranoia or dissociation.