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Published 9 years ago by White with 5 Comments

The Milky Way over Chile


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  • RoamingGnome


    Hey, drunkenninja, are we the only people on this site? It's kinda cool. In a few years we will be the old folks that tell everybody what it was like before the hoards arrived.

    • drunkenninja

      Hah, we will sit around the camp fire and tell it how it was :D

  • alejandropravia

    Hey! I have a question! Is it possible to make this kind of photos in a natural way or are they photo edition? I'm very confused by it, but i love the pic!

    • White

      I'm pretty sure the colors in this are altered, but the pictures you see with all the stars and things visible are long exposure, it keeps the shutter open allowing more light in. The longer you keep the shutter open the more light is allowed in and the more stars are visible.

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