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Published 9 years ago by VoyagerXyX with 4 Comments

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  • Kysol (edited 9 years ago)

    Making things "easier" is what makes things more vulnerable to exploitation. What I mean by that is that the more user-friendly you make something, the more the user will feel that they know what they are doing and randomly do stuff when they have no clue about the ramifications of their actions.

    Bright side, keeps us tech people employed, although in a permanent facepalm position.

    • VoyagerXyX

      I wish I could just walk to Microsoft and say "add an option to choose whether this is a home, work, or public network like a PC." Problem solved.

      • Kysol

        I thought Windows 8 had that sort of thing when joining a Wireless network. Or it might just be a public / private thing. Oh do you mean on the Windows phone ?

        • VoyagerXyX

          It does. I think this article refers more to WP/W10M.

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